
testsMon, 19 Jun 2023

CORRIGEME EL SIGUIENTE CODIGO: </style> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <div> <img id="logo" src="whatsapp.jpg" alt="WhatsApp"> <p id="whatsapp">WhatsApp</p> </div> </div> </body> </html> ___ # :building_construction: JavaScript ## Operators ### Arithmetic operators - Addition (+) - Subtraction (-) - Multiplication (*) - Division (/) - Remainder (%) - Exponentiation (**) - Increment (++) - Decrement (--) ### Assignment operators - Assign (=) - Add and assign (+=) - Subtract and assign (-=) - Multiply and assign (*=) - Divide and assign (/=) - Remainder and assign (%=) ### String operators - Concatenation (+) - Concat assignment (+=)

js let string = 'Hello, ' string += 'world' console.log(string) // 'Hello, world'

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