
code to explanationMon, 16 Jan 2023

if (x1->priezvisko < x2->priezvisko) return 1; if (x1->priezvisko > x2->priezvisko) return 0; if (x1->meno < x2->meno) return 1; if (x1->meno > x2->meno) return 0; int r1 = rok(x1->rodnecislo); int r2 = rok(x2->rodnecislo); if (r1 < r2) return 1; if (r1 > r2) return 0;

If the first surname is smaller than the second surname, return 1. If the first surname is bigger than the second surname, return 0. If the first name is smaller than the second name, return 1. If the first name is bigger than the second name, return 0. int r1 is the year of the first birth certificate, int r2 is the year of the second birth certificate. If r1 is smaller than r2, return 1. If r1 is bigger than r2, return 0.

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