
generate functionMon, 05 Jun 2023

Write a EMU 8086 program to add two 8-digit BCD numbers stored in AX:BX and CD:DX registers. The sum should be placed in CX:DX registers. Your solution should be generic and should product correct results even if the values in registers are changed.

void main() { // BCD 0000 0000 0000 0000 const short m = 0x0000; const short n = 0x0000; short carry = 0x0000; short a = m & 0x000F; short b = n & 0x000F; short a1 = (m >> 4) & 0x000F; short b1 = (n >> 4) & 0x000F; short a2 = (m >> 8) & 0x000F; short b2 = (n >> 8) & 0x000F; short a3 = (m >> 12) & 0x000F; short b3 = (n >> 12) & 0x000F; short p = 0; short q = 0; short r = 0; short s = 0; p = a + b + carry; if (p > 9) { carry = 1; p = p - 10; } else { carry = 0;

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