
generate functionWed, 12 Apr 2023

arregla el codigo package dela; import robocode.*; import java.awt.Color; // API help : /** * Dela - a robot by (your name here) */ public class Dela extends Robot { /** * run: Dela's default behavior */ public void run() { // Initialization of the robot should be put here // After trying out your robot, try uncommenting the import at the top, // and the next line: setColors(,,; // Configura los colores del robot // Robot main loop while(true) { // Replace the next 4 lines with any behavior you would like ahead(100); // Avanza 100 pixeles turnGunRight(360); // Gira el cañón 360 grados back(10);    

import robocode.*; import java.awt.Color; // API help : /** * Dela - a robot by (your name here) */ public class Dela extends Robot { /** * run: Dela's default behavior */ public void run() { // Initialization of the robot should be put here // After trying out your robot, try uncommenting the import at the top, // and the next line: setColors(,,; // Configura los colores del robot // Robot main loop while(true) { // Replace the next 4 lines with any behavior you would like ahead(100); // Avanza 100 pixeles turnGunRight(360); // Gira el cañón 360 grados back(10); turnGunRight(360);

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