

code to explanationSat, 18 Feb 2023

public static String get(String key){ if(environment == null){ try{ environment = ContextHelper.getApplicationContext().getEnvironment(); } catch (Exception e){ log.warn("无法获取Environment,参数配置可能不生效"); } } // 获取配置值 if(environment == null){ log.warn("无法获取上下文Environment,请在Spring初始化之后调用!"); return null; } String value = environment.getProperty(key); // 任何password相关的参数需解密 boolean isSensitiveConfig = key.contains(".password") || key.contains(".secret"); if(value != null && isSensitiveConfig){ value = Encryptor.decrypt(value); } return value; }

The get method first tries to get the Environment from ContextHelper. If the ContextHelper can not get the Environment, it will try to create a new environment by itself. Then return the value corresponding to the key in the environment. If it can not find the key, it will return null.

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