public void MoveToPosition(Interfaces.PositionTO position) { Verify.IsNotNull(position, nameof(position), $"Call of {nameof(this.MoveToPosition)} failed."); BioBasePositionTO bioPosition = new BioBasePositionTO { X = position.X, Y = position.Y, Z = position.Z }; using ManualResetEventSlim waitSignal = new ManualResetEventSlim(); void OnSuccess(object transport, BioBasePositionTO position) { waitSignal.Set(); } void OnFailure(object transport, BioBaseException e) { } this.motorTimer.Elapsed += this.OnTimeout; this.bioBaseStage.MoveToAbsoluteTarget(bioPosition, OnSuccess, OnFailure, string.Empty); this.motorTimer.Start(); waitSignal.Wait(); } check if it is moved to the position
### Run app 1. Start the Server