
generate functionThu, 04 May 2023

void EXTI9_5_IRQHandler ( void ) This function handles Px5-Px9 global interrupts. First, this function identifies the line/ pin which has raised the interruption. Then, perform the desired action. Before leaving it cleans the interrupt pending register. Steps to follow: ✅ 1. Clean the corresponding bit of the PR register. Use the IR_RX_0_ID index to get the port and pin from the receivers_arr. 💡 Recommendation: use the macro BIT_POS_TO_MASK 💡 To clean an interrupt in the Pending Register (PR) we must write '1' in the corresponding bit. Look at the example in section "3.9.7. Ejemplo de interrupción externa" of the reference book. You can also find this out by consulting the reference manual (section "10.3.6 Pending register (EXTI_PR)") * ✅ 2. Call function _store_edge_tick() to store the time tick for the given infrared receiver.


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