
code to explanationSun, 21 Jan 2024

// aurora float aurora_start = width * 0; float aurora_end = width; float time_factor = 3.0; if(x > aurora_start && x < aurora_end){ float aurora_intensity = sin((y / height) * M_PI * 4.0 + iTime * time_factor) * 0.5 + 0.5; color = mix(color, vec4(0.0, aurora_intensity, aurora_intensity, 1.0), aurora_intensity * 0.6); }

unction mix takes two arguments color and vec4 and returns a color that is a mix of the two colors. The mix function is used to create a color that is a mix of two colors. The mix function is used to create a color that is a mix of two colors. The mix function is used to create a color that is a mix of two colors. The mix function is used to

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