Realizar un programa que calcula el volumen de los siguientes cuerpos geométricos: o Cubo o Pirámide o Cilindro o Cono o Esfera
class GeometricShape(var name: String, var volum: Double) { } fun main(args: Array<String>) { val cube = GeometricShape("Cube", 1000.0) val pyramid = GeometricShape("Piramid", 200.0) val cylinder = GeometricShape("Cylinder", 200.0) val cone = GeometricShape("Cone", 200.0) val sphere = GeometricShape("Sphere", 200.0) val listGeometricShape = listOf<GeometricShape>(cube, pyramid, cylinder, cone, sphere) val res = Util.getBiggestVolum(listGeometricShape) println("The geometric shape with the biggest volum is: " + } object Util { fun getBiggestVolum(listGeometricShape: List<GeometricShape>): GeometricShape { var res: GeometricShape = listGeometricShape.get(0) for (i in 1..listGeometricShape.size - 1) { if (