
generate functionThu, 20 Apr 2023

nakresli lod na vode ta lod bude hneda bude mat okna

from turtle import * def draw_boat(x, y): # draw the boat penup() goto(x, y) # starting point pendown() fillcolor("brown") begin_fill() circle(40, 180) forward(60) circle(40, 180) end_fill() # draw the roof penup() goto(x - 25, y + 40) pendown() fillcolor("darkgreen") begin_fill() left(60) forward(50) right(120) forward(50) left(120) forward(50) end_fill() # draw the windows penup() goto(x - 20, y + 15) pendown() fillcolor("black") begin_fill() circle(5) end_fill() penup() goto(x + 20, y + 15) pendown()

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