
generate functionFri, 10 Mar 2023

child: CouponItem( translate: CouponTrans(context), getCurrencyFormatted: (data) { return PriceTools.getCurrencyFormatted( data, model.currencyRate, currency: model.currency, )!; }, coupon: coupon, onSelect: (couponCode) { Navigator.of(context).pop(); widget.onSelect?.call(couponCode); }, email: email, isFromCart: widget.isFromCart, ), Fix overflow

Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: Text('My Fancy Dress'), ), body: SingleChildScrollView( child: Center( child: Column( crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.start, children: <Widget>[ Text('We move under cover and we move as one'), Text('Through the night, we have one shot to live another day'), Text('We cannot let a stray gunshot give us away'), Text('We will fight up close, seize the moment and stay in it'), Text('It’s either that or meet the business end of a bayonet'), Text('The code word is ‘Rochambeau,’ dig me?'), Text('Rochambeau!', style: DefaultTextStyle.of(context).style.apply(fontSizeFactor: 2.0)), Text('It’s got a nice ring to it'), Text('Some of you boys been here before but this time it’s and all-out show of force'),

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