let's build a class SinhVien with the attributes of students created by them come up with (must list at least 3 properties), in addition the class has 4 more properties about The scores are: theory score, practical score, midterm (exam) score and final (exam) score. Besides, when any student object has just been created, the initial value of the score columns are equal to 0. Then write a program that uses the above student class and has the functions data entry for students (enter values for attributes); calculate the average score of students members (20% theory + 20% practice + 20% midterm + 40% final) and information export of students on the screen. In addition, the program must have getter and setter methods to get and set the value for all object member properties in java

java public class SinhVien { public String ten; public int tuoi; public String gioitinh; public double diemLT; public double diemTH; public double diemTHI; public double diemTB; public double getDiemTB() { return diemTB; } public void setDiemTB(double diemTB) { this.diemTB = diemTB; } public String getTen() { return ten; } public void setTen(String ten) { this.ten = ten; } public int getTuoi() { return tuoi; } public void setTuoi(int tuoi) { this.tuoi = tuoi; } public String getGioitinh() { return gioitinh; } public void setGioitinh(String gioitinh) { this.gio

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