write me a script in python to generate a playlist in the folder there is a file flussonic.conf take the name of the channel from the title line, then take the channel id from this stream line and generate a link http://server-1.mitv-iptv.ru:80/id channel /index.m3u8 it should look like this #EXTM3U #EXTINF:-1, channel name http://server-1.mitv-iptv.ru:80/id channel /index.m3u8 and save it to a playlist.m3u file
import re
with open("flussonic.conf") as file:
for line in file:
title = re.search(r'title (.*)', line)
if title:
channel_name = title.group(1).strip()
stream = re.search(r'stream (.*)', line)
if stream:
channel_id = stream.group(1).strip()
with open("playlist.m3u", "a") as playlist: